Foot protection technology seminar held online

Foot Protection Anti-chemical Shoes

On the morning of October 29th, the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Personal Protective Equipment will hold a technical seminar on the implementation of GB20265-2019 “Foot Protection Anti-chemical Shoes”. Manager Chen Lejing attended the seminar.

GB20265-2019 “Foot Protection Chemical Shoes” is a new standard promulgated by the National Standards Committee in 2019 and implemented on July 1, 2020. During the implementation process, many problems were encountered, especially the chemical-proof leather shoes. Products with “labeled “chemical-proof shoes” are difficult to pass the test of the national testing agency, Shanghai Academy of Safety Science, Shanghai work shoes Products Testing Center, Beijing Experts from the work shoes Testing Institute unanimously told the truth. Standard 5.8.1 Table 16 lists 18 test chemicals, especially the tests of sodium hydroxide solution, sulfuric acid, nitric acid and other media. Without exception, they are all judged as unqualified. It also includes the testing of high-end similar products imported from abroad. The Secretary-General Jiang Ruiliang of the National Individual Equipment Standards Committee said that the key is that there is no new material that meets the chemical resistance test at home and abroad to solve this problem. Enterprises can only cross the river by feeling the stones, which has caused difficulties in the actual implementation of this standard and test method.

Experts attending the meeting also opened a series of discussions on some clauses of the upcoming revision of GB/T20991 “Test Methods for Personal Protective Equipment and Shoes”, in order to promote and promote the reasonable, rigorous and scientific standard setting.

Due to the impact of epidemic prevention and control, this meeting was held through an online video conference.

Author: Nicole

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