Pattern construction: a pair of safety shoes from being a product to being a brand

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Products are completely different from brands. Operating products is different from operating brands, and there are also special laws that need to be explored.

China’s social development has ushered in a new era, and the PPE industry has also encountered opportunities for development. MKsafety® Co., Ltd. embodies the characteristics of resolving social contradictions in the new era in a pair of safety shoes, and embodies the concept of safety and health services for workers through corporate culture, corporate values, and corporate goals, and enhances the addition of safety shoes in the new era. value.

1 Research trends

If a product is to become a brand, it must conform to consumer demand trends. The practicability of personal protective equipment is the focus of the product. Therefore, in the safety footwear category, there has been a sales model with unchanged style, unchanged function, and unchanged material, maintaining an inherent market share.

However, as more and more post-90s workers enter the market, the psychological needs of consumption have changed, and rational consumption factors such as appearance and protective performance are becoming increasingly prominent. Only by grasping the needs and requirements of the market, being in line with the trend and having characteristics, can the products have the basis for becoming a brand.

In the field of safety shoes, MKsafety® Co., Ltd.’s efforts to cater to market demand trends can be summarized into the following two points:

Subvert the traditional appearance of safety shoes. Traditional safety shoes always look black and feel bulky. Nowadays, safety shoes can be like sports shoes, attracting young consumers in the market. At the same time, MKsafety® Co., Ltd. is also developing a new shoemaking process to make safety shoes lightweight and casual while ensuring the protective function of safety shoes.

Detailed multiple protection functions. Through continuous exploration of the selection of materials for shoe soles and uppers, various protective functions such as anti-static, anti-puncture, oil resistance, and anti-slip are integrated. At the same time, the company has formulated more detailed and specific grade divisions than national standards for functions such as anti-static. These divisions can play a good role in meeting market protection needs in customized, multi-variety, and small-batch actual production. .

2 Hard gas quality

Quality is the life foundation of the brand, and protective function is the most important quality of labor protection products. In the PPE industry, there is no lack of trends that cater to market trends, but the products are shaped and can’t wait to be introduced to the market. Ignoring the research on product quality, it will die before it reaches the stage of branding.

The quality of the protective function of safety shoes determines the degree of consumer satisfaction, and it is also one of the decisive factors for safety shoes to maintain a longer market presence. Today, workers affirm the protective function of safety shoes, and safety shoe manufacturers have formed brand equity invisibly.

What’s more commendable is that MKsafety® Co., Ltd. can maintain stability in safety footwear products, which is a quality promise to workers. It is an important foundation for brand building.

3 Propaganda concept

MKsafety® Co., Ltd. is a newcomer based on the timetable of the traditional development of PPE enterprises. Looking back ten years ago, the company’s positioning is not only to produce such thin safety shoes. From the first day of establishment, this safety shoe manufacturer has a modern corporate development concept.

The production of safety footwear products promotes the corporate philosophy, and at the same time integrates the cultural trend of social development and advancement, forming today’s “craftsman spirit, innovation and intelligent manufacturing”.

The development concept of the enterprise, such as “PDCA” management method, “7S” management method, etc. will eventually become the added value of the product. A simple and pragmatic concept is easy to remember and easy to leave a good impression on. . MKsafety® Co., Ltd.’s corporate culture of “pragmatism, innovation, credibility, and quality” has spread widely. Whenever you mention a company, it naturally increases the recognition of its safety footwear products in your heart. In the future, the face of the brand will appear virtually. Become a lifetime advertisement for a safety shoe brand.

4 Industry exchanges

The association builds a platform, and member companies quickly obtain development opportunities and resources on the platform. Wenzhou Xumei Technology Co., Ltd. not only participates in trade fairs in the industry, but also pays attention to the communication with the upstream and downstream of the industry. Discover market opportunities in the exchange, and improve the production process in the exchange.

In product research and development, quickly understand the needs of the market through exchange meetings and trade fairs, and adjust the production line in real time to meet the market dynamics of customization, multiple varieties, small batches, and fast delivery;

In terms of brand marketing, absorb various successful marketing models to form their own marketing style;

In product inspection, learn advanced management concepts and formulate actual management inspection procedures;

In the process, the introduction of a full set of shoe-making automation processes, and improvements in some of the process links, are more in line with the needs of the company’s production;

The production of a pair of safety shoes includes MKsafety® Co., Ltd. carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship, concentrate on making safety shoes, strengthen product research and development, brand marketing, strict product inspection, process standards, control the quality of each process, and improve the manufacturing level. Efforts and pursuits.

The prospects for China’s economic development in the new era are broad, and the new era “Made in Zhejiang” and “Standardization+” are leading the way. In a good development environment, the Shandong Provincial Safety and Health Protection Products Industry Association proposed to member companies: quality as the core, leading the personal protective equipment industry to the high-end development, adapting to the needs of the majority of workers for mid- and high-end Have a safe, comfortable, fashionable and environmentally friendly experience.

At present, the personal protective equipment industry has dual opportunities for product upgrading and popularization. PPE companies, like MKsafety® Co., Ltd., should combine industry characteristics and their own reality, reject low-end and backward products, actively participate in various industry activities, and develop together with industry associations. Jointly promote the high-quality and healthy development of the industry, while improving the level of intelligent manufacturing and enhancing the value of the enterprise.

Author: Nicole

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