Significance and function of safety shoes performance supervision and inspection

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At present, safety shoes (work shoes) have been transformed from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market. The adjustment of the national economic structure has basically been completed, and product quality has become the main focus. Improving the safety performance of products is not only the key to satisfying market demand, expanding exports, and improving the quality and efficiency of economic operation, but also an inevitable requirement for enhancing overall national strength and international competitiveness. Without the safety performance of the product, there is no benefit. If fake and shoddy are allowed, the country will have no hope. Strengthening the supervision and inspection of the safety performance of safety shoes (labor protection shoes) is an important measure to safeguard the fundamental interests of the country and the people. Its main functions are:

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(1) Safeguard the interests of consumers and protect people’s lives and health

Personal protective products are products that prevent occupational hazards and prevent occupational diseases in production. Their poor product safety performance not only wastes a large amount of raw materials and energy in the country, but also brings harm to people’s lives. According to the quality market supervision and random inspection of the dense mesh safety net and safety net products of the construction unit by the Safety Protection Monitoring and Inspection Center, 28 of the 38 products of the dense mesh safety net are unqualified or unqualified. The rate is 73.7%; of the 38 products, 26 products have failed penetration resistance, and the failure rate accounts for 68.4%. Among the 8 products of the safety net, 6 products failed the impact test, and the failure rate accounted for 75%. If you use this inferior safety net, you cannot guarantee “safety” when an object falls or a person falls from a height. For example, when a construction company in Dehui City, Jilin Province was working on a construction site in Changchun City, when six workers were doing stone-washing operations on the outer wall of a seven-story building, the scaffold overturned because they were not wearing safety belts. Falling from the seventh floor, the safety net was smashed, causing 4 deaths, 1 serious injury, and 1 minor injury. Another example is dust masks or gas masks, whose product safety performance is not good, it cannot prevent the inhalation of dust or poisons, and cannot prevent pneumoconiosis and occupational poisoning. The state’s supervision and inspection of product safety performance can reduce or eliminate the occurrence of the above-mentioned phenomena, safeguard the interests of the country and the people, and protect the safety and health of workers.

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(2) Develop foreign trade, improve the competitiveness of safety shoes (labor insurance shoes), and protect the country’s economic rights and interests.

With China’s accession to the WTO, foreign trade will surely develop greatly. In order to expand the export of my country’s labor protection products and enhance the competitiveness of products in the international market, it is necessary to strengthen the supervision and inspection of product safety performance and ensure the high level of export products in order to win User trust.

In recent years, our country’s safety helmets, safety shoes, labor protection gloves, simple dust masks and other products have been sold in Europe, America, Southeast Asia and other regions. Product safety performance supervision and inspection work needs to be strengthened accordingly to serve foreign trade exports.

(3) Supervise and urge enterprises to conscientiously implement and implement standards

The standard is the basis for measuring the eligibility of safety shoes (work shoes), and the safety performance of the product can be guaranteed if the product is produced strictly in accordance with the standard. The implementation of product safety performance supervision and inspection can effectively urge enterprises to enter the market and sell qualified products to users, safeguard the interests of the country and consumers, and protect personal safety and health. At the same time, through the safety performance supervision and inspection work, a large amount of information and data on product performance can also be mastered and accumulated, and problems existing in the product can be understood to provide a scientific basis for formulating product supervision and management and policies. It can also find out the problems in the standards in time, and provide sufficient data and basis for the formulation and revision of the standards.

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(4) Do a good job in the identification of new safety shoes (work shoes) and product quality arbitration and arbitration

Technical appraisal of new products before they are put into production is an important measure to ensure product quality and safeguard the interests of the country and consumers. Article 28 of the “Regulations on Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China” stipulates that new products must obtain an appraisal certificate from a quality supervision and inspection agency before they can apply for trademark registration. Article 6 of the “Management Regulations on Labor Protection Products” (Labor Ministry [1996] No. 138) stipulates that products developed must be inspected by an inspection agency approved by the Ministry of Labor or the State Technical Supervision Bureau before they can be put on the market. Article 10 of the “Management Measures for the Quality Supervision and Inspection Institutions of Labor Protection Products” stipulates that the National Quality Inspection Center shall undertake the “appraisal and inspection of new products before they are put into production.”

When quality disputes occur between the supplier and the demander, the quality supervision and inspection agency can also implement quality arbitration from the standpoint of a third-party notarization. Article 10 of the “Administrative Measures for Quality Supervision and Inspection Institutions of Personal Protective Equipment” stipulates that the National Quality Inspection Center has the task of “undertaking the arbitration inspection of quality disputes and quality accidents of the protective products of the center’s inspection projects.”

(5) Help companies change the backwardness of safety performance inspection of safety shoes (work shoes), and improve the company’s product safety performance assurance capabilities.

my country’s labor protection product safety performance supervision and inspection work foundation is relatively weak, the inspection equipment is insufficient, the inspection technology is relatively backward, and some small enterprises lack the testing methods to implement strict inspections on the products. Each labor protection product quality supervision and inspection agency should not only undertake the supervision and inspection of the product quality of the enterprise, but also promote the establishment of a sound inspection agency, help and guide the enterprise to carry out quality inspection work, improve the level of production inspection, and accept commissioned inspection for items that cannot be inspected. . Train quality inspection testers for enterprises and provide intelligence and information on inspection technology. Help companies to tackle technical problems to improve the quality of safety shoes (work shoes).

For more safety shoes trends, please follow the official website of MKsafety®:

Author: Nicole

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